Help and Advice for Carers...
Caring for someone can be both challenging and very rewarding. TheCarer provides valuable information and advice on caring for someone close to you, whether it's a spouse, child, relative or friend, and also examines the issues associated with being employed as a carer.
March's Most Popular Articles...
Our Categories...
Accommodation: Care at Home, Moving in to Care for Someone, Lasting Power of...
Ask Our Experts
Ask Our Experts: How Do I Become a Carer For My Elderly Neighbour?, Young Carer Going...
Caring & Bereavement
Caring & Bereavement: Practicalities Surrounding the Death of a Loved One, Moving on After...
Case Studies
Case Studies: Caring for a Parent: A Case Study, Caring for a Spouse: A Case Study,...
Everyday Practicalities
Everyday Practicalities: Keeping Up With Dietary Requirements, Arranging...
Foster Care
Foster Care: Teenagers and Foster Carers, Becoming A Foster Carer, Fostering...
Getting Help
Getting Help: The Importance of a Care Assessment, Respite Care, How To Get Help as...
Health Matters
Health Matters: Do You Lead a Healthy Lifestyle as a Carer?, Common Health Problems...
Money Matters
Money Matters: What is a Living Will?, The Cost of Caring, Carer's Allowance,...
Who Cares
Who Cares: Caring for a Spouse, Questionnaire: Are You Suited to Being a Carer?,...
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